REALTORS: Make Your Halloween Marketing a Scream - Real Estate, Updates, News & Tips

REALTORS: Make Your Halloween Marketing a Scream

More than 41 million children in the U.S. go trick-or-treating every Halloween, bopping from door to door collecting candy. Some real estate pros are seizing the day for their marketing.® recently featured a few ideas of how real estate professionals are using Halloween to drum up more business. Some agents are throwing a Halloween-themed open house, complete with kid-friendly activities like bobbing for apples and pumpkin painting. Consider setting up a spooky front yard to serve as an attraction for families. “Set up an area where trick-or-treaters can get their picture taken,” says Cliff Fraser, an associate broker with the Century 21 Bill Forman Team in Indianapolis. Make sure the For Sale sign is strategically placed in the background. Some pros are even turning their treats into marketing materials. A small card or flyer can be attached to the candy offering up details of a home for sale, along with the agent’s contact information. “The parents will see the item in the bag, see the name, and it’s an item that will be lying around the house,” Fraser says. Also consider putting your contact information on small toys to hand out, such as fidget spinners. Halloween is the biggest prospecting day for some agents. Find out how others are using the holiday to lure prospective clients, using everything from pumpkin giveaways to hosting fall festivals. Source: “Can Halloween Help You Sell Your House? 3 Spooky Sales Tricks to Try Right Now,”® (Oct. 11, 2017)

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